ABout ROSIE ELVIN and the

journey to her ADHD diagnosis


Hello, I’m Rosie, like many adults with ADHD, who receive their diagnosis later in life, I was no exception. I was 43 when I finally received the confirmation of my ADHD, though I had been exploring the possibility for about five years before. 

Gaining an understanding of ADHD shined a light on the underlying causes of some of my challenges, and undoubtedly, ADHD played a significant role in my successes. When I recognised that my brain functioned differently was a pivotal moment. I discovered that ADHD was not solely a source of frustrating traits; it was responsible for my strengths, my drive and my unique perspective.

Lack of awareness about ADHD often leads to feelings of isolation and inadequacy when comparing ourselves to neurotypical individuals. I aim to challenge that perception and foster understanding.


For me, understanding the characteristics of ADHD is like having a personalised manual for how my brain operates. While traditional coaching, counselling, and activities like yoga and meditation played a crucial role in my personal growth, it was the tailored ADHD coaching, podcasts, and insights from experts that really opened my eyes to how my brain works. I can now clearly identify what my brain is doing and can respond accordingly, rather than giving myself a hard time for not being able to ‘change.’ ADHD does not define who I am as a person, and I don't view it as something that requires fixing. Instead, it has given me insights into how I can achieve success and helped me identify the resources I need to thrive

My journey was my inspiration to set up ADHD Focus, and so I can help other ADULTS WITH ADHD understand the source of their frustrating traits and what can help them succeed

What makes me qualified?

I have an advanced certificate in life coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming Master Practitioner Training from Archology, accredited by The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology. I also trained with Max Lawrence - ADHD business coach. My coaching skills primarily stem from over 16 years of working as an academic at a university, where I guide many students (many of whom are neurodiverse), deliver pastoral care and produce research.

An out of focus photo of a the word focus created in lights

"Attention deficit is a complete misnomer. We don't have a deficit of attention. We have an abundance of attention. Our challenge is to control it"

Ed Hallowell

My favourite books and podcasts